October 2012
What am I to do next?
In my attempts to get in touch with the Police and Justice departments I have used the means at hand, viz. the WORD. For almost 30 years I have written, gone there, asked for information, asked for meetings. No response, no reaction, no dialog.
Well, the authorities have shifted sort of.
In an explanatory document of Nov. 25, 1983 to The Swedish Chancellor of Justice the Chief investigator makes the following statement: “The investigation has been performed unbiased and there has been no concrete reason to believe that a crime has been committed.”
In a plea to the District court in Ångermanland of July 16, 2003 , the same investigator makes this statement:
“During the entire investigation of Olle Högbom’s death the theory of the Police has been that Olle became a victim of violence.”
As a consequence of this statement, we humbly asked the Police of which reason the opinion had shifted in the direction that “Olle had been a victim of violence.”
The question was considered provocative and was never answered.
WORDS have no value or effect when the other party does not understand, does not want to understand or does not have to understand.
We have never been met by respect by the Police and the Judicial system.
In 1983, the chief of Investigation in Sundsvall uttered the following:
If Olle’s disappearance is solved, it is solved. If it is not solved, it’s not…it is as simple as that!”
So, there is no use to make an effort, I guess.

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