Should Old Acquaintance be forgot…
Thanks All Ye Faithful who open my blog with the hope to find something new and worthwhile reading, but who with disappointment must be faced with blank reality.
I asked our good friend N E Jonsson in Härnösand if it would be possible to print out some of the 2011 blogs and make them into a booklet. No problem, said Jonsson, the typographer, compositor. But how do you want to proceed after that? When it comes to distribution and making them known? Who would be interested?
We’re brooding over it and asking for advice.
In my last writing I wrote about my wife Kerstin, Olle’s mother. I would like to add some more regarding her attitude to the Police.
Kerstin had been brought up with the old Swedish moral values; Authorities were to be respected and the Police was ranking highest on that list. The Police guaranteed Law and Order in society and moreover the Police actually was the embodiment of Honor, Honesty, Right and Justice. If the Authority or a particular police officer occasionally made a mistake, or acted erroneously it could and should be excused. However, a civil service officer who did not do his duty in an assignment he had been trusted, was unheard of according to her. And a policeman acting dishonestly in exercising his duty might happen in other countries, but not here, not in Sweden !
This was Mom Kerstin’s strong belief and opinion when we first contacted the police and asked for help in our search for and investigation of our son Olle, who disappeared in the city where he went to school a Wednesday evening in September 1983. The fact was that we were met by unwillingness, stupidity, meanness and more, of which I have previously written enough.
Today, certain policemen admit that “mistakes were made in the investigation” and reference has been made to the fact that “The Police commissioner was non compos mentis and that he also was fired.” This was absolutely of no comfort for us! The Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chancellor of Justice had all given the Police commissioner and his investigation their full support.
We were met by incompetence as well as dishonesty and there was a flagrant malpractice in the evaluation of incoming information and hints.
Such as: “Olle might have made a shack on the Norra Berget (a resort area in Sundsvall ) the same night that he disappeared”.
The flagrant dishonesty in prioritizing incoming hints:
Such as: There was information about screaming and thuds from the Floragatan street which was considered of no interest. “The person providing the information is a senior citizen”.
Needless to say, Kerstin was as miserable as I was, but she still carried a hope: “There must be one grown-up person to talk to!” No, we never met a grown-up person within the Sundsvall Police force, only dwarfs.
At an earlier stage than Kerstin did, I had come to realize that the so called investigation regarding Olle was not carried out with the intention to find out what had actually happened to him. The intention was rather to obfuscate, confuse, lie and procrastinate.
“We should not dig too deeply into the Olle Högbom case. It might cause trouble for someone within the police force…”
When the truth and the whole situation dawned on Kerstin it became, naturally, an extra load on already too heavy a burden.
Kerstin never got to take part of the statement which was promised to be given to us by the responsible Inspector.
Regards, Ruben

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